Saturday, June 4

Reality Bite

We are officially the most poor (poorest?) we've ever been. In the past, especially during this European adventure, we have been very near the bottom of the barrel. As of this weekend we have reached a new low. There literally is no money left in any account and the credit card is getting pretty full. There is something to be said, however, for this experience. I have learned that I don't need new clothes every few months, in fact I don't really care any more about how fashionable I am. We don't buy DVDs or CDs or unnecessary crap that ends up being tossed in a drawer of buried in the closet. We buy food and pay the rent - no extras and no frills. For a treat, I order used books on Amazon or Rich has a beer in the pub or we go to a movie. Each month that we manage to get the bills paid is another opportunity to remember how few "things" are necessary for happiness. And despite the struggle I would definitely say that we are happy. During the past two years, we've managed to move to Belgium and then to England, find jobs, make friends, travel and learn uncountable lessons about the different cultures in Europe. Most valuable has been the perspective we've gained regarding the U.S. and the rest of the world.

We have been feeling lately that our next move will most likely be the last. Well, the last big move anyway. It is time to put down a few roots, have a garden and get a dog. I don't know how excited we are at the prospect of staying in one place forever, but we can probably manage a few years. Moving to a new place is so much fun...we'll have to find a replacement for that feeling. And a little "stability" will make our families happy and hopefully make our bank account a little fatter.

Wouldn't we prefer to have more money right now? Of course. We're not stupid! But life is still pretty darn good.


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