Saturday, May 16

Friday, May 1

Some tasty, tasty apples!

It's official! Kristen has landed a full-time job in Portland! She was working on two leads that she gained through the fantastic networking she has been doing here (big thanks to Jake for providing the first connection in that chain). It looked almost sure that she was going to be hired at a PR company that was considering actually creating a position for her. Then that seemed to fizzle out, while at the same time one of the people she had met with many weeks ago contacted her. He asked to meet with her again, but did not specify any type of job opportunity. That was about two weeks ago. She met with him and had a "job interview" for a position that was opening up immediately. It went really well, but quite some time went by before she heard back from him. Just when we thought it was a lost cause, he offered her the job. Needless to say, we were both ecstatic and VERY relieved!

She will be starting as a Program Manager at Portland State University's Professional Development Center on May 19th. Until then, she is going to keep working at the Aurora Mill (where both of us worked in 2003 before moving to Belgium). She has been helping them set up a website for online sales.

The position at PSU is such a fantastic opportunity for her and it is going to challenge her in all the right ways. It is really good to be affiliated with a university. Good pay, great benefits, many avenues for advancement. She's really looking forward to it.

Proof-positive that networking does work!