Tuesday, June 7

Gilded Courier

I'm definitely feeling a little bit low about the whole "Denmark thing". There is an emotional attachment to Scandinavia for me. Part of me feels a little heartbroken about not being able to live there. Copenhagen is a fantastic city with such lively energy. It's just really great to be there. Now when I hear or read Danish and particularly when I see images of Copenhagen in a film or on TV, I get a little pang in my heart. Sort of the same kind of pang I get for Brussels, LA, Ft. Lauderdale, Aurora, or Boston. Just little fingers tugging at the yearning heart-strings. With the "Denmark thing", there's also a little bit of a feeling of loss.

Even though I feel very relieved after making the decision to stick around here a little longer to figure things out, I still have moments were I am a bit pained about the reality of possibly never realistically being able to live there.

There is still a little glimmer of hope, though. I am ever-vigilant over the Job Vacancies section of the Danish Film Institute site. If a suitable position ever pops up, I am going to be on that thing like a hound-dog. A courier will arrive at their doorstep in a gilded chariot, bearing a perfectly assembled CV and cover-letter on expensive paper in an expensive envelope. Until then, I will bide my time diligently at another archive.


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