Wednesday, August 27

Updates on the impending move...

We just sent another big chunk of change off to our landlord in Belgium. Two months rent (1790 euros or about 1944 dollars). That's one of the things that has been frustrating in this adventure. Because the US economy is piss-poor right now, the dollar is weak against the euro. So the exchange rate is really boning us, as you can see. Paying an extra $154 is not a happy feeling! On top of that, there are the fees for wiring money internationally. Washington Mutual charges $40 each time. The good thing is, now we're solid. The apartment is officially ours and we can move in when we arrive on the 3rd. Now, that's a happy feeling!

Task-wise, we're pretty close to being able to leave. The car is being inspected and returned on Friday. We have three big suitcases to pack our crap into. However, we still have to package the computer and accessories for shipment, put the remainder of our stuff in storage, sell the table and chair set, finish packing, and take care of a few more chores around the house, etc. Other than that, we could almost leave tomorrow.

There are less than 6 days until we leave. The reality of what we are doing is becoming more and more clear every day. Think about it, next Wednesday morning we will officially have moved to a foreign country! A country we have very little experience with and the majority of whose inhabitants speak languages we are just now beginning to fathom. This is not going to be easy! Then again, we never thought it would be. It's just so crazy, our future is pretty much wide open and completely unpredictable. That's scary and liberating all at once! Keep your fingers crossed for us.


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