Monday, August 25

Kristen's birthday today. Nanny (her grandma) came up from Eugene for lunch. We went to Puerto Vallarta, a mexican restaurant in Canby. The waitress almost spilled an entire glass of water on me. After that, she was too mortified to come back to our table. I had to flag another waiter. He called each of us "amigo" or "amiga" according to our gender. The food was a good, though I had too much of it. My plate was huge. I should have ordered a lunch portion like everyone else did.

Since Kristen and I have promised each other that we would not buy birthday gifts for each other this year, my gift to her was my vigilance all day long to try to make sure she didn't do any chores. Not an easy feat.

Since our lunch was so huge, we (Kristen, her mom, Jake, and I) had a pretty small dinner at the pub: a margarita each and a chicken club sandwich split four ways. Then we came home and had a chocolate cake that her mom had made. I am stuffed with that tasty goodness right now.

All in all, a pretty low-key, relaxing day. We're ready to go to work at the mill tomorrow!

By about 8:30 tomorrow morning, it will be 7 days until we leave!


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