Friday, August 8

For the record, that cake was good... despite its pitiful appearance! I was a bit skeptical at first by the idea of zucchini and chocolate. I have been converted.

And the other record, Kristen's homemade night-gown was a successful project. As a man, I shouldn't use words like this, especially to describe clothing, but I have to say that it is quite a cute night-gown. Adorable even. It needs to be washed a few times because it still has that new-cloth crispiness to it. She has two more types of fabric and, now that she has the hang of it, I'm sure she can stitch them out in no time.

I worked at Nike again this week. However, they called us off for Tuesday and Wednesday, but I did end up getting in a fair amount of hours anyway. The beginning of each month is generally like this, I'm told. Not as much output. They wait til the end of the month to make a mad dash towards meeting their monthly goal or quota or however it is there business model is set up.

Today I sealed up a box of shoes for Harvard Women's Soccer. I suppose the team ordered each players exact size directly from us. Just last week there was a box going out to the Astros. So, I just want you to know that I've done my part to support our athletes. Now on to supporting our troops!

We just got back from an "Art Show" with free supper at the Legion Hall up the street. You'd think it would have been just a plate of veggies and a bowl of ranch, a cheese-plate if you're lucky... but this was a full-out meal in chafing dishes and bowls. I'm actually pretty stuffed. The woman who cooked it all said we had to stay until it was all gone which we didn't actually do, but I took that as permission to load up my plate. Gotta love small towns! The town is all "aflutter" because everyone is preparing for the yearly "Aurora Colony Days" which is basically a two-day celebration of the town with a parade, vendors of various ilk, and lines out the doors of each antique shop. Jake is going to drive his vintage red Volvo in the parade tomorrow. Gotta love small towns!

In other news, we think we may have found an apartment in Belgium. Well, we found many apartments, actually. But, this is may be the one. Kristen has been corresponding with the landlord and we will most likely send her the first month's rent next week. Then we have two weeks to pay an additional two months rent to be held as deposit until we eventually move out. It will be nice to have an actual address to go to when we stumble out of the airport in Belgium on the 3rd... less than 26 days from now! Holy cow, we have a lot of things to get done before then! Unfortunately, we have to keep working also. So it is going to be a busy August.


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