Monday, July 14

Cosmic Disarray

Something weird is going on today. Kristen was the first to notice it. She said she felt "out of it". I hadn't really noticed at first, but when I was up-and-about in town I felt it too. Sort of a feeling like you're a tarnished piece of silver instead of a gleaming one. At first, we thought is perhaps just us, but it seems to be widespread... at least in and around Aurora. People are driving erratically, parking badly, making decisions very slowly, fumbling around, dropping things, staring at the dairy section for an inordinately long time, stuff like that. Sure, people are like that everyday, but never this many all at once. Never enough to take note of it like this.

Makes me wonder if it's worldwide, just on the West Coast, or just in this "sleepy little town." It also occurs to me that perhaps it has to do with the position of the planets. Whatever it is, something is off-kilter. Strange.


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