- Muslims are trading Respect for Fear: opinion piece arguing that "respect is not a right"
- Islamo-Bullies get a free ride from the West: very interesting opinion piece about how the news media in America and Britain are basically wimps for not daring to reprint the cartoons and are therefore failing to do their job: "The fundamental job of journalists is to give you as much information as possible to make sense of the world around you. And in this story, where the entire controversy revolves around drawings, the press is suddenly coy. You can see Saddam Hussein in his underwear and members of the royal family in compromising positions. You can see Andres Serrano’s famously blasphemous photograph of a crucifix in urine, called Piss Christ. But a political cartoon that deals with Islam? Not our job, guv. Move right along. Nothing to see here."
And some positive "Muslim stories" in the news...
- Public anger at Muslim protestors: There was a peaceful protest of Muslims (and others) against the extremists that have been causing all the havoc due to the cartoons. This article divulges the opinion of some non-militant Muslims living in Britain: "The poll shows that 86% of people think the protests were “a gross overreaction”. By 56% to 29% respondents said it was right to publish the cartoons in Denmark and republish them elsewhere."
- Danish Muslims split over cartoons: '"Now, we have to demonstrate that we are proud of being Danish and that we are supporting Danish values," he said. In an unexpected turn, the reaction to the attacks on Danish embassies could help promote integration in Denmark. "I didn't know there were so many Muslims in Denmark who are supporting Western values," said Soren Espersen, an MP for the populist Danish People's Party.'
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