Thursday, February 3

Has the bubble of PhD-Funding burst?
Arts and Humanities Research Board - Eligibility

"To be eligible for a full award
A full award covers both the cost of tuition fees, up to the DfES maximum, and a maintenance grant. To be eligible for a full award, you must show that you have a relevant connection with the UK, usually through residence.

To be eligible for a fees-only award
A fees-only award provides payment of tuition fees, up to the DfES maximum, but not a maintenance grant. To be eligible for a fees-only award, you must have been ordinarily resident in the EU for the three years immediately preceding the start of the academic year in which your award will commence."

It sure looks like it, unless UEA can advise me of some other option or lie on my behalf. I'm well short of having lived in Europe "three years immediately preceding the start of the academic year". It will be two years this September. My PhD options now:

1) Take a year off and apply next year
2) Don't do a PhD
3) Do the PhD part-time while I work at an archive



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