Wednesday, March 10

Just a quick update...

I heard from the University of Exeter earlier last week. They have offered me a place in the Masters program! Haven't accepted it yet because I'm waiting to hear about U. of East Anglia. It's great to know that my secondary choice is confirmed.

Oh? I haven't really mentioned preferences yet? Well, I've definitely pegged East Anglia as my first choice. Despite the "eccentric" campus. The technical aspect of learning archiving along with film studies is too enticing to ignore. Not only am I a psychotically fanatical proponent of film origination and projection (as opposed to digital), but protecting film history is important. And on the practical side, if I decide that I don't want to go to school for another three years after the Masters program, then I can graduate with a degree in archiving and start working immediately in any of the archives all over the world. There is a dearth of officially trained archivists.

Not sure when I'll hear from East Anglia about a decision. I've been in contact with them a lot. They have my complete application already, but they have to interview everybody who is applying to the archiving program. It is quite competitive and I think they only accept 12-16 students per year. So, on Monday I'm flying over to the UK again and driving up to Norwich for the interviews. I don't know if they'll offer me a spot in the program on that same day or if they'll have to have some sort of roundtable discussion about the applicants. Hopefully, I'll know pretty soon.

Then it will be time to start looking into financial aid...


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