Sunday, December 14

Ding-Dong The Witch is Caught!

So, where were you when they caught Saddam? That's going to be the "JFK assassination" question of this generation. Huge news!

I was sitting at the dinner table, writing Christmas cards. Kristen was checking her e-mail. We have just had one of our quiet, peaceful Sunday mornings with the London Times Sunday Edition and pastries from the bakery up the street.

Then Kristen suddenly cried out, "Oh my god, they caught Saddam!!" She had seen the headline on Yahoo-News. I jumped out of my chair and turned the TV on immediately. We're now watching report after report about "Operation Red Dawn" and shots of Iraqis firing AK-47s in the air in the middle of Baghdad. I guess when you hear news like this, you don't think about where those bullets are going to land.

Personally, I'll celebrate by popping open a tasty, Belgian beer!


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