Monday, December 1

Recovery Position

It's been almost two weeks now that we have been back in the US and we're both having trouble crystallizing our feelings about it. I've been trying to write this blog entry for about 2 hours, but I keep switching to other web pages to procrastinate. Don't get me wrong; we're really happy to be back and we are really enjoying the time off. We've been sleeping-in (a bit) and have already joined a gym. We've been doing some chores around the house and had a nice Thanksgiving. Kristen has even had a job interview (over the phone), but I guess it's still too soon to talk about it. It's still too soon to put it into words.

It's like we're in a psychic recovery position.


Well, for now... here are some pictures from our time in Coral Springs so far.


sara dawn sorge said...

I too am in a repatriation situation after being out of canada for 16 years. I am having trouble.

I feel like life has stood still here. Life seems the same pattern i left. I have expanded hugely spending a lot of my available time in travel and learning about my return to Source. I am really struggling with the family dramas and promised myself not to get entangled but it seems there is no escape. I know i need to let it go but accumulatively it builds until i have a breakdown, shake it off and go again and thecycle starts again.

I would go for professional counselling but who exactly can understand this journey but someone who has experienced it and are ahead of me.
If anyone can offer support please i need it.

RP said...

Hi Sara, thanks for your comment. I'm sorry to hear that you are having a tough time with your repatriation. It does eventually get easier, though.

I'm not sure if my experience is helpful to you because we moved to a completely new town a couple of months after repatriating. So, that definitely helps "reset" you. Portland, OR is worlds away from Florida. Perhaps you should consider making a similar change. Is there a city in Canada you have always wanted to live in? If so, look for an opportunity to move there. Might just do the trick!