Friday, August 29

The election to reconstruct America

Today I came home from work to find out who McCain chose for his VP. I was floored. He picked a woman. I didn't even think of that possibility (stupidly) while wondering about who both he and Obama would pick. I've been saying a Obama/Clinton ticket would be a nuclear bomb on the Republican campaign (obviously not alone in that sentiment), not that I was particularly happy about that concept. But I wasn't sure who the Republicans could pick to really threaten the Obama/Biden campaign. Then I heard about this. Governor Sarah Palin, a choice so bleeding obvious and calculated that I was just flabbergasted and immediately began getting gloomy about it. For example, "Plan O": Obama wins, we move back to the US; "Plan M": McCain wins, we stay out of the US because they will drive the last nail through the coffin of America's faltering world standing. I'm serious... four more years of Republicans and the US will be completely ruined. The damage that Bush and his cronies have done will be firmly and irreparably set in place.

Then we watched the coverage of the last day of the Democratic National Convention which has been replaying continuously on the BBC Parliament channel. Though it was slightly over-sentimental, I was really moved by it. We were eating dinner when we saw Obama's acceptance speech and I was getting all teary and choked up so I could hardly swallow my food. What an amazing speech and what an amazing convention. Over 80,000 people in there and the line to get in was six MILES long!

Seeing this speech restored my hope that Obama will be our next president and has really stoked the coals under my political motivations. I really wish I could vote, but at least K can. And I really wish we could be in the US now to help out with the election. The best we can do is donate some money, pester our friends and relatives, and keep a close eye on what's going on. We will probably stay up all night to watch the election in November (because we'll need to know as soon as possible whether or not we need to cancel our plans to move back! Hee hee.)

Some political info we've been reading:

Facts about Sarah Palin

Michael Moore's Election Guide

An Open Letter to God

And if you haven't register to vote (shame on you), please do. It's easy!:

Rock the Vote

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