Friday, May 25

Swarm, swarm!

Today our apartment building got swarmed by bees. All of a sudden, there were thousands of them flying around. The above video was shot from the window in our spare bedroom. And the below picture is where they settled after a while. According to the news, there were about 20,000+ bees swarming the Bournemouth pier. Most of them were collected by a beekeeper and taken to an apiary. These bees must have been some that had gotten away. Or perhaps just another hive on the move. The news report said they weren't dangerous, they were just looking for a new place to live.

Unfortunately, someone in our building called an exterminator. When I got home from work, there were dead bees everywhere. Bees are protected in England. It's illegal to exterminate them. There's a bee shortage here, too. We found a dead bee on our carpet. I picked it up and discovered that one leg was twitching and its "tongue" was sticking out. Sad.


On a different note... we were supposedly visited by aliens last night. We totally missed this, but I read about it in the local paper today. There were orange lights flying around in some kind of formation last night. The newspaper is asking for people who saw it to contact them. Guess we better keep an eye on the locals... make sure there's not one of these Invasion of the Body Snatchers things going on! Or perhaps they have something in connection with THESE.

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