Saturday, January 20

Upcoming in 2007

Even before we found out that we had to move, we have had a few things on the books for this year, particularly during the first quarter.

* Moving to Canford Cliffs sometime between February 7th and March 7th.

* K is going to an Investigative Research seminar at the BBC in London on February 27th and March 15th where she'll learn espionage-like research skills.

* Flying to Boston in April to go to the PCA/ACA National Conference. We will both be presenting a paper on Friday. Bournemouth University is fully funding K's trip and AIB is paying for my airfare. The conference is three days. After that, we're flying out to Oregon to visit K's family and perhaps downsize our storage room. Coming back to the UK towards the end of April.

* Taking a weekend trip to a non-Western country for our anniversary on June 10th. We're considering Malta.

* I'm planning on volunteering at CAMRA's Great British Beer Festival in London during the second week of August. It's 4-5 days, but they put you in accomodation for the duration.

* My mother is meant to be coming for a visit at some point in February, March, or April, but the dates are not set yet.

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