The day after we arrived I began to feel ill. A persistent headache (which I attributed to jet lag) and then an increasingly painful stomach ache (which I also attributed to jet lag). By evening I felt distinctly ill. Three bites of dinner and that was it. I will spare you the details! My second night in Florida was spent on the bathroom floor with a fever and the next 3 days spent in bed drinking gatorade. I have never been so sick before! During my time in isolation I missed out on several dinners with the Swedish family members, a Cuban party and a trip to Disney World. The upside is that I lost 3 pounds, which has proved useful now that I can eat real food again, and I didn't have to suffer through any jet lag. :-)

Feeling better now!
The bad bug was probably in some lox I ate on British Airways - the only food item that Rich and I didn't share. Thank heavens he didn't eat it or we would have been wrestling for space on the bathroom floor! It's going to be a long time before I eat raw fish again.
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