Thursday, August 24


Snakes on a Plane

All the critics panned this film - but I say GO SEE IT. It is a pure popcorn movie and I walked out with smile on my face. It's not a big deep film and it's not supposed to be. It's supposed to be fun! There are some very funny moments (intentionally or not) and the actors are all good. I would watch Samuel L. Jackson read a cereal box. I mean - the man is cool. Most everyone is probably aware of the backstory to this film getting made. Samuel L. agreed to do the film before reading the script because the title was so good. The studio wanted to change the title and SL said he would quit if they did it. There aren't many actors who would stand up to the studio for a film that might not do their career any good. He wanted to do it because it would be fun. How can you not respect that? So support him and the other people that took a risk with this film and go buy a ticket!


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