Scientists say organic milk is healthier -
[Click here] to go to read little article about these findings, which I might add, where partly from a study by Danish scientists!
We try to buy organic milk as much as possible. Right now, that's pretty easy because there is a Waitrose supermarket near us, but they are relocating in October, so I'm not sure what we'll do then. Anyway, I think it is even more important to drink organic milk in the US particularly because the non-organic milk has a lot more hormones and antibiotics floating around in it. Nasty stuff (see the intense documentary "The Corporation" for more info about that). When we lived in the US, we used to buy our milk from Trader Joe's whenever possible.
Be good to your body, eat and drink organic!
How do guys
Can I also make a plug for rice milk? I can personally vouch for its amazing benefits - (just as long as you don't try and put mushy peas in there too Rich)!
You could probably make a plug WITH rice milk!
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