Wednesday, June 28

Hee hee

Heard a funny instance of the "insidious 'R'" today on the radio:

Pamela Anderson pronounced "PammeluhrAnderson". Pammeluhr!


Anonymous said...

Hello Richard,
For once I might have something valuable to contribute. 5 years of studying linguistics have brought me to this fine moment.
The 'insidious R' is also known as 'intrusive R', and is a pain in the neck when it comes up in phonetic transcription exams. Introduced by the Americans, it's now catching on in Britain. Aaaargh. Insidious.

RP said...

Thank you! I'm glad there's an actual technical term for it. Though I'm surprised that it was introduced from America because there is much less of that over there. You only really hear it in New York and New Jersey. Then I get over here and it's R's everywhere!