A couple of weeks ago, K noticed that a nest had been built in a nearby stream. There were no eggs in it at the time. However, last week four appeared. Not sure how long it takes to incubate a swan egg, but with any luck, we should have some new Winchester swanlings soon. We're a little concerned about the precarious position of the nest, though. It is in a stream that runs alongside a paved path. The stream is only a couple of feet deep and max ten feet wide. A hooligan with enough motivation could easily destroy the nest or steal the eggs to use in some inane prank (whatever it is kids do these days... you know what they say about idle hands). Winchester is fairly free from the type of hooligan that would perpetrate something like this, so we'll just keep our fingers crossed. It's not like I'm going to pitch a tent out there to stand guard. I though about it, but I think I'd have a hard time getting the time off work.
Here are some pics:

We'll be keeping an eye on how things progress with these parents-to-be. K went by it today and she thinks there might be a fifth egg. Still to come: a picture with the swan actually sitting ON the nest.
Hey Richard,
Hows things? Looks like spring is on its way in ye olde Winnie - well, sort of.
You mentioned 'V for Vendetta' in an earlier post: can I make a (belated) plug for its original author, British comic book artist Alan Moore. You may already know of him, but if not, he's definitely worth a look - one of our reclusive unsung geniuses.
Incidentally, he hates all the films -'Extraordinary League of Gentlemen', 'V', and 'From Hell'- that have been made of his work! I'd agree with you tho - I thought the film of 'V' was ace.
Wow - I can't believe those swan eggs are out in the open like that! I guess the parent swans must feel pretty comfortable with their enviornment. Keep us posted...
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