It is strangely linked with Shrove Tuesday, which also falls on Fat Tuesday. You'll definitely get Fat if you Shrove enough pancakes and syrup down your gullet. For more info about Pancake Day, see this cheesy website (which obviously hasn't been updated since last year): Pancake Day. Anyway, it's an excuse to eat lots of pancakes. Something that K and I were happy to indulge in.
We made American pancakes, though. We do like the thin European pancakes (I say "European" because English pancakes are the same as Swedish pancakes are the same as Danish pancakes, etc.), but since we hadn't had any of the more airy American pancakes in quite some time, we went for that instead. Complete with Maple syrup. Plus some pan fried Gammon (ham) steak. As you can see by the photo, K did the pancake cooking. I made the batter and then got discouraged after my first pancake didn't turn out. So, I let the American take over.
It was a tasty dinner and we have some pancakes left over in the freezer. However, once per year is far too seldom to have a Pancake Day, so I think we'll do it again soon.
I hope you have not forgotten the Galettes and Crepes Parties at the Frenchies, back in the days...
The origins:
Pancakes! Ah la la, you Americans!
Well, of course not! We would NEVER forget that. In fact, it came up in my thoughts a couple of times recently. While we were making the pancakes and earlier at work when I was talking to someone about making crepes and that it is hard to get them right at home and how you really need one of those big pans that the Parisian crepe-sellers use with the wooden squeegee thing. But I was thinking "I know someone who can make them at home, no problem".
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