Tuesday, October 25


There's a giant chestnut tree in Hyde House Gardens' driveway. When parking our car, we've been trying to avoid (like the euphemistic "plague") parking underneath it. Unfortunately, it covers the area over about three car-lengths, so as the parking area gets filled up, you sometimes end up having no choice but to risk it. This happened to us recently. The B-mer was parked there for a couple of days. Not only did it get covered in the most bird-poo I have ever seen, but it had been nailed many times by falling chestnuts. We now have ten to fifteen small dents on the hood, roof, and trunk lid. Really pissed me off when I discovered it, but I'm trying to accept it because there's nothing we can do to change it (other than spending money on bodywork). It's just really annoying because who knows how much that dropped from the value of the car. Lesson learned.

Bird-poo aside, it is now safe to park there again because all of the chestnuts have dropped.


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