Wednesday, November 24

Moldy Consultation

I called the landlord a little while ago and he came over pretty much right away. He seemed to think that the moisture came from condensation. Since our mattress is directly on the floor, the heat from our bodies creates condensation on the floor because it is a "cold slab". He recommended that we get something to raise the mattress off the floor, so that this doesn't happen.

Fair enough, we should have some kind of futon frame, I guess. But the room is SO small, our choices are pretty limited.

Unfortunately, I think he is right about it being condensation. He promised to have a company come out to check for damp problems, however. I don't get it, though. It was cold in Belgium and we didn't have ANY condensation problems, even on the windows! It is also pretty moist in Belgium, so that's not necessarily the mitigating factor either.

Until we get a bed-frame of some kind, we are going to have to tilt the mattress on its side during the day, I guess.


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