Tuesday, February 17

Things are starting to happen

*Yesterday, Kristen was invited for an interview (this Friday) at a firm in Wilsonville that does background investigations. A great relief to get an interview!

*Today, she had an "informational interview" with someone at PSU. Sounds like that might lead to something, but we'll see. Keeping our fingers crossed!

*Also today, we got a call from the shipping company to let us know that our shipment will be delivered on Thursday afternoon.

*Thursday, Kristen will have to drive down to Eugene to accept the shipment (I can't get the day off work) because one of us has to be there.

*Saturday (or possibly Friday evening), we'll drive down to Eugene to pick up our stuff. There is probably some that we will donate to Goodwill. Not the stuff we paid a hefty sum to have shipped to the US, but some of the stuff that we stored in Nanny's garage a couple of years ago.

Busy week!

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