Sunday, March 18

A Mountain out of an Underwear Hill

The washing machine is still not repaired. There hasn't even been anyone out to check it or even call us to schedule a time. The pile of laundry is growing because we can only wash a few things at a time. This morning it was struggling with a tea towel, a couple of pairs of underwear and two socks -- I kid you not. K is beginning to "go a bit mental". This faulty washing machine has begun to symbolize all of our frustrations. On a positive note, it is really fueling K's resolve to get the PhD finished in record time!

We're both knee-deep in research papers (for the Boston conference) right now. I'm begrudgingly writing my paper about YouTube and K is trying to congeal her research into something presentable. She has to do a "dry run" of sorts for a couple of people on Tuesday. My goal is to have a finished paper by Monday the 26th. Then it's just tweaking and presentation organization that has to take place. Can't wait to become unencumbered by this!

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