Friday, July 28

Good News

Today, just as we were about to leave for work, the postman delivered our mail. Two great things arrived: a letter from Pearsons and one from the DVLA (driver's license agency). Inside the letter from Pearsons was a check for our full deposit and a refund of our rent from the 18th, a nice hefty check to put in our very beleaguered bank account. Despite all of our extra outgoings this month, we were able to get through it without overdrawing our account (though we did add a bit to our credit card). K ran up to HSBC to put the check in right away. Now we're pretty much in the clear.

The letter from the DVLA was my passport. I had to send it to them as ID for my driver's license application (starting the long, complicated process of getting a UK license... more about that later). It was a relief to get the passport back. A bit unnerving to send it away in the mail!


Another busy weekend coming up. Ever since we moved to England, our social calendar has just flourished! Sheesh! Anyway, we're going to do some chores tomorrow during the day (groceries, DIY, more unpacking, etc.). Then one of my friends from UEA is going to pop by after doing some apartment hunting in Bournemouth. He and his girlfriend will likely crash here. On Sunday, we are going up to Wiltshire to see a crop circle or two (perhaps this one, the most recent). The woman that K worked for in LA (a writer, researcher, etc.) is here for about a month for her annual trip to see crop circles. She invited us up to go out to one with her and then to a lecture by a few crop circle experts. Should be VERY interesting, to say the least. We've been wanting to see one for a long time! Planning on bringing our cameras, but electronics have been known to stop working inside authentic crop circles, so we'll see what happens.

More about crop circles HERE.

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