Thursday, May 13

Look who got in trouble at work!

Well, through this blog, we've been keeping you up to date on the machinations of our life over here in Belgium. Everything from our daily activities to future plans to the things going on at work. To help give you a good idea of things, we've been putting up pictures and files, as you know.

One of those files was suddenly discovered by my employer. No one knows about the blog, but for some reason, the file that I had put up when I was explaining the way that our daily activity is measured (a PowerPoint file) came up on a google search. Still not clear on how that came about, but it came up when someone searched my Team Leader's name.

When I got to work this morning, my Team Leader asked me over to his desk. I had yet to turn on my computer, but he showed me an e-mail that the HR Manager had sent to everyone. Then he typed in his name in google and opened the powerpoint file. And he said, "Well, I think it is you because look at this", as he opened another file that had come up as well (a spreadsheet comparing the two universities). He knew that I had applied to schools in England, so he just put two and two together. Of course, I told him that I would take it down right away.

The e-mail:
"It came to our attention that internal Bo-ny information is being
published on the internet, accessible to everybody. This operational
PAIO Sink report is strictly confidential and its publication
is considered as a serious professional mistake.

We demand the responsible to remove this information with immediate
effect & to contact HR ASAP."

So, I quickly turned on my computer and called Kristen to remove the "confidential" material. Then I e-mailed the HR manager and fessed up to the "crime". I explained that I did not do it maliciously and had just put it up there to give my family a little better idea of my job.

Later in the day, when she was having HR meetings with people in the call-center she came to my desk and thanked me for the e-mail. She said that the manager of the call-center operations wants to speak with me about the impact that this could have had on the whole operation. They would like to meet with me tomorrow about this.

I just called her on the phone from home to ask if we can hold the meeting in the morning tomorrow because I would rather not have it weighing on me all day long. She told me not to worry about it, they just want to explain the ramifications to me. I asked her if I would get fired over this and she told me that they had decided not to fire me. If they were going to do that, she would have done it earlier today.

Whew! Relief!

I just can't believe that I actually "got in trouble" at work. My colleagues are on my side though. They all agree that while it might not have been a great idea to put that up, it wasn't really anything damaging to the company. A bit silly for them to get all worked up about it.


P.S.- You'll notice in this post, and in all of the previous posts that mention the name of the company that employs me, that I have changed the name to Bo-Ny. Well, that's just a bit of a precaution so this blog isn't found like the powerpoint file.

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