Friday, January 9

We have narrowed our choice of schools down to two. Exeter and East Anglia. There was a while there when it seemed like we'd be adding two, instead of removing some. We had found a school in Reading and one in New Zealand. The one at Exeter is a European Film Studies program which focuses on the films from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Russia and Spain. The interesting thing is it is in the School of Modern Languages department. The program an East Anglia is also focused on European film studies, but they also have a film archive and give the option to learn film archiving as a part of the Masters program. Being a technical person, that really appeals to me. Plus, it would give me more options for work outside of the academics field.

So, as it stands right now, going back to school is our new Plan A. We are going to visit the two schools on the weekend of the 23rd and have already started the application process. Provided that we like the schools and the city they are in (and are accepted, of course), we will be going to England this September. If we don't like the schools or don't get accepted, we will go with Plan B: pursuing the "brewing thing" again by taking the brewing course in March and then... well, that's all we have right now.


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