Monday, June 23

Job-hunting began today. Sigh. There's no immediate need for jobs at the moment since we don't have many bills anymore, but its freaky to be not working. I feel like a big fat loser slug! So, we're biting the bullet and knocking on a few doors. My first (and only, so far) stop was with Mike, the owner of an antique architectural salvage shop (just down the street) and the current president of the Aurora Historical Society (Mom's boss), about employment and he is supposed to call back tomorrow. He is hiring, so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed! Rich went to the Aurora Colony Pub (just down the street) and spoke with Lori, the lovely proprietor. She is not hiring at the moment, but said to check back soon and maybe she'll need someone for random days. Jake insists that the pub is the best job in town - $100 in tips on the weekends. I'm just not thrilled about food service anymore, tips or no tips. Rich is much more interested in bellying up to the pub. Anything involving beer is pretty high on his list of worthwhile activities!

Bob and Margaret Jones, as well as new dog Emma, drove down from The Dalles this morning. We did some speed-shopping through a couple of antique stores and Mom gave them an abbreviated VIP tour of the museum. After a quick, fattening lunch at the pub (french fries!!) and some frisbee tossing with Emma, they headed back home to Bainbridge Island, WA. Its such a luxury to be close to family and friends again!

Between putting stuff up on Ebay to sell and completing paperwork/technicalities for the Big Move, we've got plenty to occupy us. We've also been spending a goodly amount of time working around the house and yard to earn our keep. Its a good life in Oregon!

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