Tuesday, July 19


OK, I've sort of gotten through the shock of this job landing on me all of a sudden. K and I talked it through yesterday evening. This morning I called the guy back to talk about the start date. I told him I'd be happy to start on the 15th, but understand that they need to have someone asap. Offered to start as early as the 1st or to split the difference and start on the 8th. He said it was better for them admin-wise if I start on the 15th. That way they can "induct" me when they induct the other two who are due to start then. So, it's settled! I'm starting on the 15th. He's sending the contract, salary offer, and terms&conditions today.

This gives us a little less than 4 weeks to get "sorted". I'll keep working at the restaurant until the weekend before I start the London job (though I'm going to wait a bit before telling them I'm leaving... chickenshit). And I'll really buckle down on the dissertation so that I have a rough draft FINISHED before the 15th. Then I can use the last two weeks of August to proofread so it's ready to turn in by September 5th.

We're moving to London! Well, the outskirts of London.


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