Saturday, June 11

De facto rejection

It's official. I think. I have been rejected by the National Museum in Copenhagen. They haven't told me this, but since interviews were supposedly held "at the end of week 23" (i.e.- the week ending today) and they did not contact me, I can only assume that they favored the other candidates instead. Since they were so good about letting me know they had received my application, I'm sure they'll officially reject me in the coming week. Not surprised by the rejection. In fact, I suppose I'm a bit relieved because it saves me from the mental turmoil of possibly reconsidering our recent decision to stick around Norwich a little longer.

Though it was not at the National Museum in Copenhagen, I did actually have a job interview this past week anyway. On Thursday at a video shop here in Norwich. It went pretty well, I think. They're supposed to let me know on Monday whether or not they are going to offer me the position. We'll see!


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