Friday, October 24

We got up this morning at 7:30 and it was still dark outside. I've never lived so far north before, and boy does it make a difference! It was fully light by 8:30, so after Rich left for work, I went for a jog in the park. Have I mentioned that its a little chilly here in Belgium? Well, it was cold enough to necessitate gloves, hat, scarf and three layers of sweatshirts for a mid-morning run. A nice morning though, with a few clouds and brisk breeze. On the way back from the park I was thinking how nice it is to live somewhere with seasons - although this is on the cold side for October. I cranked up the radiators when I got home and now the apartment is nice and toasty. It is now, however, SNOWING outside!!!!!!!!! A big flurry of fat flakes. It makes me giggle to see it. I don't know why, but snow is special. I guess that feeling comes from growing up in the Willamette Valley and not having the white stuff very often. Its been coming down for a couple of hours and now its starting to stick. I can't imagine that it will be around for long though. Its only October, right?

I took some pictures of the street, so as soon as I figure out how to upload them to the blog, they'll be here...**




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